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Long Time No See – Lara December 14, 2009

Posted by ClosetCat in Lara.
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Hello My lovely ClosetCat readers.  So sorry for being MIA lately.  My life has been on hiatus for one reason or another, but i won’t bore you with those silly details of my life.  Let me instead focus on the good!  So yesterday was my 23rd birthday.  Eeeek.  So old (except not really hahaha).  With the current mess that my life is in I decided to keep it very low key this year.  I just had lunch with the parentals at a local restaurant, dinner with a few close friends, and board games and drinks for the rest of the night.  It was good clean wholesome fun – something I really needed.

As a recap of the rest of my week since I have been so terrible at keeping you guys updated, I currently had a secret santa gift exchange with my boyfriend and his school friends.  We drew names weeks ago and the parameters of this particular secret Santa were as follows:

-$20 max limit
– Stores such as Target, Wal-Mart, TJ Maxx, etc.

So I kept the shopping true to my heart and took my own advice for Secret Santa presents and got my Secret Santa a onsie from target as well as a button up.  Look at the joy I brought to his face:

Yeah, its space themed, and Yes, it glows in the dark.  Jealous much? Now that’s one satisfied gift receiver.  🙂  Hope all of your Secret Santa Exchanges are as successful as mine!

(Oh, and I got a Snuggie.  BOO-YEAH BABY!)



1. daisychain - December 15, 2009

I am actually really quite jealous!

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